Low carb vs. Keto diet. This struggle between choosing the healthiest yet quickest way to lose weight is real. While both diets may sound interchangeable due to their low carb intake, there is a significant difference between both. Let’s discover the differences together and analyze which one can benefit your body best.
What is a Low carb diet?
There is currently no standard or universal definition for a low-carb diet yet. However, it can be simply described as a diet with lower carbs intake requirements than the other standard diets. As per the Dietary Guidelines, 45-65 percent of calories in our diet come from carbs. Thus, anything below the count of 45 percent can be considered a low-carb diet.
What is a keto diet?
The keto diet sounds very similar to the low-carb diet but has a more measurable approach. You have to consume 5-10% carbs, 70% fats, and 25% proteins per day in a standard keto diet. Even though the carb intake is low here, you are still compensating for it by consuming a high amount of protein and fats.
Low carb vs. Keto: Which one is better for weight loss?
Now that you know the basic difference between low carb and a keto diet, you may be wondering which one is the correct choice for your weight loss journey. Let’s simplify this further.
Both diets can help you lose weight. When you consume carbs in your diet, it is used as a source of energy for your body. Next, after you have used a certain percentage of sugar for energy, the remaining portion is stored as glycogen which is later converted into fat. When you cut the carb intake, you limit the insulin release, which will let your body be into a fat-burning mode.
Even though both diets can help you lose weight, in a low-carb diet, you may end up binge eating on the other ingredients, which can be unhealthy for your body. This way, you will regain the lost weight soon. Thus, keto is the way to go!
Downsides of a keto diet or low carb diet
Like any other diet, both the keto diet and low carb diet have their own set of disadvantages. With the keto diet, you may struggle with keto flu, a nasty side effect that causes nausea, fatigue, and dizziness. This results from the cutting of carbs from your meals, resulting in a loss of sodium and fluid in your body.
Both the low carb diet and keto diet mean you will be cutting down on fiber, resulting in constipation, digestive issues, and low appetite. This may not be sustainable for weight loss and maintenance. Furthermore, a lack of fiber in the diet can lead to cardiovascular diseases and diabetes in the body. Next, eating a high amount of fat in your keto diet can also raise your LDL cholesterol levels and triglycerides.
Final thoughts
Both diets have their own set of pros and cons. Since the keto diet is a healthier way to have a good balance of meals in your diet, it is proven to bring a better weight loss journey to individuals. However, it is always advised to find sustainable diets and even consult with a doctor before starting either of the diets to stay safe and healthy.