Generally speaking, there exist several benefits to the habit of eating healthy. And if we have to name a few, a well balanced and nutritious diet results or yields every woman a higher sustainable energy, reduces risk of disease, and strengthens the immune system. Pregnant women in particular need to be extra careful about what they are consuming because they’re not just eating food for their health but also for their baby’s health. When a woman eats during her pregnancy period, she minimizes the chances of developing complications such as low birth weight, birth defects, and anemia. Eating healthy and eating well will steer you clear from unpleasant symptoms of pregnancy. You can find below certain benefits of following a healthy pregnancy diet.
Why sticking to a healthy diet is beneficial for both a pregnant woman and a baby growing inside her
There are several benefits linked to a healthy diet during pregnancy. It will help you enjoy the pregnancy journey in a healthy manner without any extra stress or worries. Here are some of the benefits that we would like to point out :
Increased energy
During pregnancy, it is very common for women to experience fatigue which is as much as a paralyzing amount. And there will be times when no matter how much you do, fatigue is extremely hard to get control over — this holds true, especially during the early weeks of pregnancy where your body is undergoing enormous hormonal changes. It is during this time that you need to ensure that you are eating a wholesome diet and eating every 3 to 4 hours, doing this will keep your energy levels up. And one should always remember that iron consumption needs to be doubled when you are pregnant as this will help in sustaining the increased blood volume and also helps in promoting healthy iron storage for the fetus growing inside.
Less complications
It can get very difficult to say no to those unhealthy pregnancy cravings but trust us, in the long run it is definitely worth it not just for the sake of you but also for the sake of your baby’s health. If you’re not following a balanced diet, you could develop risks of various complications like anemia, urinary tract infection, gestational diabetes, and also your baby being born with defects.Good nutrition is the key to good pregnancy that plays a role in healthy labor and delivery as well.
Successful development of fetus
For the baby to grow inside you in a healthy manner, a balanced diet is required! You need to aim at eating 300 more calories minimum in a single day than you would normally eat when you are not pregnant. However we must remember that we should never go overboard with the calories as it can lead to gestational diabetes and pre-eclampsia.
Guidelines for eating right during pregnancy
Calcium: for strong teeth and bones, calcium is very much required in the body. It also ensures that the blood can clot normally, nerves can function properly, and also the heart can beat normally. For pregnant and lactating women, it is recommended to consume at least 1000 mg of calcium per day. Dairy products are considered to be the best source of calcium, apart from them one can consider dark and leafy greens, bread, fish, fortified orange juices, Sesame seeds, and almonds.
Iron: it is very important for the red blood cells as these are the cells that carry oxygen to every nook and corner of a body. It also helps in building resistance against any form of disease and stress as well. It is recommended to take at least 27 mg of iron between food and prenatal vitamins. Good sources of iron include lean beef, pork, dried beans and fruits, whole grain products, and green leafy vegetables.
Folic acid: Folic acid helps in creating that extra blood that your body needs during the pregnancy period. At least 400 µg of folic acid needs to be consumed by pregnant women every single day. If you are taking prenatal vitamins, then this is included in that. Foods that are rich in this include kidney beans, lentils, citrus fruits, nuts and beans, and green leafy vegetables.
Vitamin D and A: vitamin D works along with calcium to keep baby’s teeth and bones healthy in its developing stage. It’s also essential for good eyesight and healthy skin. Pregnant women need to include 600 international units of vitamin D every single day. Good exposure to sunlight, and eating fatty fish such as Salomon will help you with the right amount of vitamin D.When it comes to vitamin A, 770 µg needs to be consumed daily. Foods that are rich in vitamin A are deep orange and yellow vegetables, leafy green vegetables, liver, and milk.
Protein: it is required for healthy growth and development of a baby. Protein also provides the required energy in order to build and repair various parts of the body especially blood, muscle, and brain. Pregnant women will need additional protein. Protein-rich foods include lean meat, eggs, seafood, peas, beans, soy products, nuts, and seeds.
We understand that when you are pregnant, you can have some serious food cravings. And it is okay to indulge into those cravings once in a while if it fits within your healthy diet. Remember to eat more frequently, at least 5 to 6 times in a single day. And choose calorie and nutrient-dense foods. Following the above mentioned points will ensure that there is no risk of lower birth weight of your child.